Here is a brief recap of the wonderful day Everett entered this world. Well actually the story starts two days before he entered the world. It was Friday July 2, and I was three days overdue. I went into the doctors office for a normal check-up and my doctor surprised me by saying she wanted to induce that night! I had had high blood pressure throughout the pregnancy and the last couple weeks I had been going into the clinic every two days for testing, so the Doc decided enough was enough. This little boy was definitely big enough and I was definitely tired of being pregnant, so it was time to get things rolling! I called Peter very excited, and very nervous and told him the news. Peter being the responsible man that he is, told me he wanted to finish his work day first, then we could go in later that night. I decided to celebrate by going to lunch with my mom! It was such a weird feeling, knowing I was going to have my baby that weekend. Most people don't know when it is going to happen, but I was able to mentally prepare myself (as best I could) for what was going to happen.
So that night we packed our bags, cleaned up the house, and headed to the hospital. We were very excited knowing that the next time we walked in our front door we would be bringing our baby boy with us! When we got to the hospital they checked us in pretty quick and got us into our room (which little did we know would be our home for the next three days!). They started me on some pills to get things going and the waiting began. That whole night they checked me every hour or so with no progress. I got very little sleep, and so the exhaustion began. At around 9:30 the next morning my doctor checked me and to our surprise I was dilated to a 4! I still had not felt any contractions, but we finally had progress. That is when the Pitocin began. Then around 2pm the doc broke my water and then the contractions started....and they started STRONG! I tried to be strong and see how long I could stand them, but after about an hour they contractions were coming so fast I could not take it any more. That pitocin is killer! So I politely asked for my epidural NOW! And after that was put it in I was very happy again. Things did not move very quickly, however. By Saturday evening I was still only a 5, so it looked like little Everett was going to hold off one more day. Doctor told us to try to get some sleep and we would see how things went.
I was woken up by the doctor around 3am, with the great news that I was 9 centimeters! Peter and I were so excited. It looked like after being in the hospital for about 36 hours, we were finally get to the end. An hour later I started pushing. I pushed....and pushed.....and pushed.....and not much progress. After 2 straight hours of pushing, I got a 20 minute break (Gee thanks!) and then we started again. I pushed for another 2 1/2 hours (so now I am at 4 1/2 hours of pushing) and the doctor asked me if she could use the vacuum. I was so exhausted at this point I didn't care what she did to get that baby out! So with the vacuum suctioned to my poor baby boys head, he entered this world at 9:38am July 4th, 2010! It was the most amazing experience of my life. Watching my child take his first breath. Peter and I were in tears, we were a family.
A few minor complications followed. I had a fever while I was pushing, so they took Everett to the NICU pretty quick after birth to make sure he did not have an infection. I ended up getting preeclampsia, so was put on some drugs that pretty much knocked me out for the next 24 hours. I didn't see Everett until the next day, but it was love at first sight! He is the cutest baby ever. We went home a few days later and it has now been 10 weeks since he was born!
Everett is a very happy baby (with a little bit of my and Peter's temper thrown in there!). He really has been easy though. Sleeping and eating great, smiling and cooing right on schedule, and at 9 weeks rolling over! We have already taken him to Southern California and to Tahoe. He has blessed our lives in so many ways. We love him to death!