So Peter experienced one of the most memorable moments of his life (he claims it ranks third to getting married and having his first child, but I bet it is more like first or second). The Giants won the World Series and it is a month later and he is still talking about it! Our house is now covered in World Series paraphernalia, which is "for Everett's keepsake box" (Direct quote from Peter) but I suspect it is more for Peter. :) I have to admit, it was pretty darn exciting to watch. I never missed a game of the playoffs, knew all the players by name, and laughed and cried with Peter the whole way through. It is also going to be pretty neat to tell Everett that the year he was born, his Daddy finally got to see one of his teams win! Here are a few of the more memorable pictures from the final game. Can't you just see the joy and excitement in Max and Peter's faces, priceless!!